Press release FRUCHTWELT BODENSEE 2023

Short version: Fruchtwelt Bodensee Provides Forum for Hot Topics in Fruit Growing and Agriculture

International Trade Fair for Commercial Fruit Growing, Distillation and Agricultural Technology from January 13 to 15, 2023, with around 280 exhibitors – 41st Bodensee-Obstbautage with lectures and panel discussions on current issues

Friedrichshafen/Germany – The rapidly rising costs and shifting product flows in Europe’s fruit markets are leading to huge impacts and intense discussion across the fruit-growing and agricultural sector. “There’s an urgent need for all the stakeholders to get together and talk about the current situation. Since the pandemic meant that the February 2022 trade fair could only happen online, we’ve decided with our partners that the next Fruchtwelt Bodensee will be moved forward, taking place January 13 to 15, 2023,” according to Messe Friedrichshafen Managing Director Klaus Wellmann and Show Director Petra Rathgeber. Some 280 exhibitors are offering a wide range of products. The Bodensee-Obstbautage lecture program will focus on the pome fruit market, digitalization and sustainability. The Sunday will feature a lecture series looking at agrivoltaics, as well as a Distillers’ Day.

“The energy crisis is now the overriding concern for the entire populace. Fruit producers and agricultural enterprises are likewise faced with huge challenges and are urgently searching for potential answers to today’s existential threats. Fruchtwelt Bodensee offers a great opportunity for trading ideas and gathering information about the latest trends, products and services, along with findings from applied research, at just the right time,” says Petra Rathgeber with conviction. On January 13, 2023, the Friday opening event will jump right in by highlighting what has now become the most important issue: fruit growers are faced with rapidly rising costs due to multiple factors, which are combining with the current market situation to create enormous challenges. The talk will illuminate the topic from different angles while identifying potential solutions, featuring representatives from working operations, industry associations, politics and marketing, along with State Secretary Sabine Kurtz (Ministry of Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection). Along the same line is a Saturday lecture by Helwig Schwartau of the Agricultural Market Information Company (AMI), analyzing the apple market’s prospects in the ongoing 2023 marketing season. His presentation “Higher Costs, Reduced Spending and Altered Product Flows: A Turning Point in Europe’s Pome Sector?” looks in detail at the current situation, shaped by exploding energy costs, minimum wage developments and Russia’s ongoing embargo.

Knowledgeable and Up-to-Date: The 41st Bodensee-Obstbautage

The technical side of Fruchtwelt Bodensee is highlighted by the 41st Bodensee-Obstbautage, with lectures and discussions. “The Bodensee-Obstbautage reflects the issues that are the most current and urgent. In addition to the present situation in the fruit-growing sector, the focus is on agrivoltaics (which combines agriculture with energy production), crop protection, digitalization and sustainability,” according to Dr. Manfred Büchele (Kompetenzzentrum Obstbau Bodensee, or KOB), Dr. Egon Treyer (Marktgemeinschaft Bodenseeobst) and Dr. Hermann Gabele (Landwirtschaftsamt Bodenseekreis).

In Hall B2, there will be many exhibitors highlighting products from the distillery sector. At the stand of the Verband der Klein- und Obstbrenner Südwürttemberg-Hohenzollern (a southern German distillers’ association), visitors can sample products awarded with gold and silver medals. On the Saturday, Phillip Schwarz will give a seminar on whisky production, to be followed by a tasting session. On the Sunday, state association representatives will all meet to discuss the political situation with Gerald Erdrich and Alois Gerig from Germany’s Federal Association of Small and Fruit Distillers.

Admission Price and Opening Hours

Fruchtwelt Bodensee is open from January 13 to 15, 2023: on Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A day pass costs 19 euros on site, 15 euros online. A listing of the lecture program will be published online in mid-November. Further information can be found at:

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