Automaten-Service Siegfried Roesler GmbH

Automaten-Service Siegfried Roesler GmbH

Short description

Direct marketing is a growing market for agricultural producs, food and non-food, and a variety of different commodities. The high profit of costumer loyalty and growing margin is amplified with the use of vendingmachines.


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The company Roesler Automaten-Service has been in the vending and vending industry for over 40 years sheet metal processing industry

We offer you:

Cigarette vending machines Vending machines Fresh produce vending machines Money changer housing Hygiene machines for outdoor and indoor use Overhaul and repair of all types of machines an extensive range of spare parts service Surface processing Sheet metal processing and much more.


Automatenservice S. Roesler GmbH

Sande, Germany
Bahnhofstrasse 39


Carsten Eissen

Carsten Eissen

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