Fruchtwelt Bodensee

Fruchtwelt Bodensee

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International Trade Fair for Commercial Fruit Growing, Distillation and Agricultural Technology



Daniela Barmettler
Alessandra Weigl
Ueli Aeschbacher
Urs Becker
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As usual, the trade fair meets not only the taste of farmers but also that of fruit growers with a wide range of topics, ranging from the world market for fruit and agricultural products to the ingenuity of the industry to the presentation of new apple varieties. The professional highlight is the Lake Constance Fruit Cultivation Days with a program of lectures on current topics.

The International Trade Fair for Commercial Fruit Growing, Distillation, and Agricultural Technology informs visitors about the latest developments and products in the areas of fruit cultivation, distilling, harvesting machines, plant protection, tree nurseries and agricultural products.

The FRUCHTWELT BODENSEE 2020 takes place from Friday, 18. February to Sunday, 20. February 2022 in Friedrichshafen at the Lake Constance.


Messe Friedrichshafen GmbH

Friedrichshafen, Germany
Neue Messe 1


Sharon Kommer

Sharon Kommer

Show Director
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Alessandra Weigl

Alessandra Weigl

Project Coordinator
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