TUM School of Life Sciences — Lehrstuhl für Brau- und Getränketechnologie

TUM School of Life Sciences — Lehrstuhl für Brau- und Getränketechnologie

Short description

Study life sciences - study the future! At the green Weihenstephan campus, we focus on the potential of interdisciplinary education in current research fields. We combine modern methodology, digital tools, and the excellent technical background of TU Munich.


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"Science for the practice of today and tomorrow" as our mission, we want to conduct research and development at the highest level and educate students with the aspiration of a university of excellence. Both aspects are inseparable and mutually dependent.

We mainly work with cereals and plant-based raw materials in a (bio)technological and/or process engineering context. The research work at the chair aims to recognize and understand the fundamental mechanisms that are involved in the processing of beer and beverages as well as bakery and cereal products in order to be able to design knowledge-based products. We are driven by the desire not only to understand the systems in principle but also to derive and/or optimize processes and product properties from them with a high degree of innovation.

For us, it is particularly important to find the balance in language, thinking, and action between science and the innovative entrepreneurial spirit. We think beyond food systems; in particular, our methodological work should also enrich other disciplines, such as tissue engineering, materials research, or automation (e.g. Industry 4.0).


TUM School of Life Sciences Chair of Brewing and Beverage Technology

Freising, Germany
Weihenstephaner Steig 20


Roland Kerpes

Roland Kerpes

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Dr. Paula Singmann

Dr. Paula Singmann

study coordination
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Günther Gaßner

Günther Gaßner

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