We would like to support students and practitioners in facing the challenges of food processing. Fundamentals and current research results are presented and deepened by reports from the field.
Venture Lab Food/ Agro / Biotech (FAB)
The mission of Venture Lab Food/ Agro / Biotech (FAB) is to become Europe’s top breeding ground for agricultural, food tech and biotech start-ups. This incubation hub fosters interdisciplinary innovation in the life sciences, from genetic and biological research to production and processing technologies. We support ideas about agriculture, food, beverages, nutrition, forestry, biotechnology or applied life sciences.
Hence, we operate in one of the hottest venture areas, considering, the climate-driven challenges in agriculture and forestry and the impact of nutritional habits on public health.
Weihenstephan Institute for Cereal Research
The need for effective research and development work is becoming increasingly important. The competitive situation is intensifying, the pressure to innovate accompanies operational practice on an almost daily basis and the necessary optimization of production efficiency and product quality requires that research and development ideas are continuously incorporated into company decisions.
The Weihenstephan Institute for Grain Research (WIG) takes up this approach and thus represents a contact and coordination platform for research activities in the grain sector. We will act as a direct point of contact for research and development issues for the grain industry and related professions.
Weihenstephan Institute for Brewery Research
The WIB's activities focus on the initiation, implementation and execution of research projects and interdisciplinary research networks. The core areas of the association's work are